Feb 2, 2008

Unicorns and Bullying

Bullying is a serious problem is today's school system.  I want to release a word of warning... do not mess with a little bald boy wearing a unicorn shirt.  The results can be piercing!  This message applies to all individuals, not only to those who deteste unicorns t-shirts like the one the little "gay-wad" is wearing in the above comic strip. So children, think twice before striking a unicorn t-shirt wearing wimp, because flying unicorns are constantly soaring through the skies and quiet, magical unicorns are always sauntering through the nearby woods... they could easily attack a bully and end his life.  Anyday.  Anytime.

Play nice with one another! Let the love of the horn radiate. Pay it forward like the unicorns do! Let's save the world with magical love!

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