Jan 20, 2008

Wonderous Sighting in India Desert

This unicorn was galloping through the desert near Jaisalmer, India about 3 years ago. A US reporter, covering a completely unrelated story, happened to catch this beauty from the window of her donkey-drawn carriage with her telephoto lens. She was quoted saying, "this is the best day of my life". No duh.

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  1. foto shop xD!Caz unicorns r related 2 these whales that hav HUGE horns so even if the unicorn was real the horn would be really long and heavy and wood weigh it down!

  2. I saw that on the news...it's real.

  3. it looks real but i have seen soooo many fake images of unicorns...i don't know what to believe.

  4. it looks awesome very real

  5. my little bro is in love with this pic..... he keeps going..... " oh my god.... its a REAL unicorn!! a real one! oh my god!!!" he's 6 ... lol. good pic though.

  6. Unicorns Are real And I'V seen many ... Iv even been a part of one of those phrophacey teams that can see mythical creatures like the show, pretty cure ... But anyway i have 3 unicorns named 1- Sparkles 2-Samantha 3- Timmy. I have a grifin named keko and 5 dragons named... 1- Darkness
    4-Flakey ( newborn )
    Im makeing this website on my favourites pages so i'll probabley be back here lot's of times to tell you about my adventures... also if you have piczo im on and can tell you alot more there, my sights called www.dragondevelop.piczo.com anyway... thanks
    and unicorns griffins and dragons ARE real!!!

  7. I think somewhere these creatures exsist, and just like some people, me and my cousin Shania have the ability to see things others don't.

  8. Looks cool but not real, theirs so manny ways to make it look real. Also the horn looks like a painted carrot!! ;)

    I have to give you credit for the graphics though:) Good Job!!

  9. you can see the strap on the side of it's face!!!! it's a fake!

  10. That is not as strap on the side of the unicorns that is clearly his hair...
