Jan 21, 2008

Warning: The Dangerous Unicorn

'Death by Unicorn' is the official term for a murder/homicide committed by a unicorn.  Despite a sunny and playful exterior, when provoked, unicorns are malicious beasts that will not cease destruction until blood is shed and wounds are beyond repair.  Now consider yourself warned! If you encounter one of these creatures, display a high level of respect and the unicorn will reciprocate and remain tame.


  1. Wrong.
    If you encounter a unicorn, it will kill you. They are not tame at all, at least not for humans. Display a high level of respect and it will think you are weak and kill you instantly. They're not as dumb as to show themselves.

  2. exactly. Kiyona Zero is right. although they are rumoured to have a nurturing side too.
